Dear All,

we released some articles, which might be of interest for some of you, here:

Have fun and best wishes, Shintaro Miyazaki


The ever-growing economic and ecological crisis in the contemporary world marks 
the dominance of a technological rationality whose major goal is valorization 
of everything in order to feed the accumulation of capital. In response, we 
invest in forms and networks of praxis that invert the contemporary enframing 
of technological systems and their underlying colonial, racial, and patriarchal 
epistemologies. To this end, we dig into forgotten and suppressed past futures 
and speculative nows to envision, encounter, and enact alternative modes of 
computing – informing, scaling, modeling, mapping, speculating, rhythming, 
networking, communalizing and (…).

COUNTER-N is a web-based publishing, exchange, and research collection curated 
by Shintaro Miyazaki and Özgün Eylül İşcen. To counter means to go or engage 
against, while to encounter means to meet or come across, thus is less 
aggressively narrow-minded, but more open and vague. As a noun, counter means a 
table, where accounts are made or persons meet, thus an object, which is in 
opposition. A counter is also a device that counts. As an adverb, it describes 
a way that opposes something. It operates as a prefix to something to oppose or 
to react to. Counter-N, where N is meant as an open variable to occupy, thus 
Counter-N unfolds a vast possibility space of practices, concepts, 
institutions, and more, which are not merely encountered, tackled, met and 
opposed, but reconstructed, reimagined, and reformulated, so that alternatives 
are proposed. Counter-N thus is a sort of constructive critique, which not only 
dissects, analyzes, debunks, and decomposes the subjects it opposes, but a form 
of critique, which is also constructive and puts together. This is why N stands 
for a verb form (-ing), highlighting its both active and processual nature.

→ insurgent computing
→ unstable computing
→ decolonial computing
(…more to come…)

→ weird futuring
→ counter futuring
(…more to come…)

→ Computing Instability

Özgün Eylül İşcen is a postdoc fellow at the ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural 
Inquiry. She received her PhD in Computational Media, Arts and Cultures from 
Duke University in 2020. Her dissertation examines counter-visual artistic 
practices that intervene in the material conditions and ethico-legal systems 
underlying the extractive operations of computational media in the context of 
the Middle East.

Shintaro Miyazaki is a (junior)-professor in "Digital Media and Computation" 
(with tenure track) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He studied media studies, philosophy, and 
musicology in Basel, and Berlin, where he received a PhD in media studies in 
2012. His thesis work centered on the history of digital technologies, with a 
focus on algorithms and their rhythms, leading to »algorhythmics.«

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