Thierry Fournier
Generative film, 4K, sound, infinite duration, 2022 

In situ installation, group show Supplementary Elements 
University of Strasbourg campus, April 25th - May 22th, 2022
Curated by Emeline Dufrennoy <>

The Unknown is a generative film that questions the fictions and ideologies 
conveyed about science by image banks.

A programme randomly and endlessly edits a large number of video shots from 
image banks evoking science: laboratories, researchers, gestures, images of 
space, etc. Their smooth, interchangeable, positivist and falsely inclusive 
aesthetics could just as easily be applied to companies. 

Like contemporary ‘mythologies’, these images, which are free of reality and 
conflict, convey an ideology, impregnated with notions of progress, efficiency 
and performance. They also have a performative dimension and contribute to a 
collective imagination of science. The film superimposes questions on the 
relationship between science and reality, uncertainty, doubt, the search for 
truth… These texts do not respond to the images, but aim to put them in tension.

The Unknown thus aims to question the relationships between science, images, 
the search for truth, and the notion of uncertainty. Are these images true or 
false, real or staged? In a post-truth era, how can we interpret them and what 
do they tell us about our expectations? How do our fictions and our research 
intertwine today? Do these images have a political dimension?

Production: University of Strasbourg <> <> 

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