-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff:        Invitation | Sensoria Exhibition and Symposium
Weitersenden-Datum:     Wed, 21 Sep 2022 00:11:27 +0200
Weitersenden-Von:       broec...@leuphana.de
Datum:  Tue, 20 Sep 2022 22:11:11 +0000
Von:    Eva Lu <ev...@yorku.ca>
Kopie (CC): Yu-Zhi Joel Ong <joel...@yorku.ca>, Nina Czegledy <czegl...@interlog.com>, Cleo Sallis-Parchet <cle...@yorku.ca>

Dear friends,

I am writing to cordially invite you to our upcoming exhibition and symposium/Sensoria: The Art and Science of Our Senses /on behalf of Nina Czegledy who has kindly shared your interest. Please see below for event information including registration links and visit our website <https://sensorium.ampd.yorku.ca/exhibitions/sensoria-2022> for further details. We look forward to seeing you!

All the best,

Eva Lu

Assistant Curator, /Sensoria: The Art and Science of Our Senses <https://sensorium.ampd.yorku.ca/exhibitions/sensoria-2022/>/ Exhibition and Symposium

Project Coordinator, /Humans in Virtual Environments (HIVE) /Reading Group

*Sensorium Centre for Digital Art and Technology <sensorium.ampd.yorku.ca>*

School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design

York University



*/Sensoria: The Art and Science of Our Senses/* <https://sensorium.ampd.yorku.ca/exhibitions/sensoria-2022/>//is a multi-site exhibition and symposium that bridges LAZNIA Centre for Contemporary Art <https://www.laznia.pl/rezydencje/>(LCCA) in Gdansk, Poland and Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts & Technology <sensorium.ampd.yorku.ca>at York University in Toronto, Canada. Held simultaneously in both locations, the exhibition and symposium will engage multi-sensory research that revitalizes our sensory connections to our surroundings, through and despite technological tools, networks and latencies.

*Register for the symposium Oct. 4–5, 2022 on Eventbrite. * <https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/symposium-sensoria-the-art-and-science-of-our-senses-tickets-418241681127.>

The symposium will also feature 2 keynote performances from 12:45pm EST each day: The Power of the Spill by Csenge Kolozsvari <https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-power-of-the-spill-by-csenge-koloszari-tickets-418320296267>Oct. 4, 2022, and Doug Van Nort Electro-Acoustic Orchestra <https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/doug-van-nort-electro-acoustic-orchestra-tickets-418319012427>Oct. 5, 2022.

In addition, Csenge Kolozsvari will be leading the Schizo-Somatic Workshop <https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/schizo-somatic-workshop-with-csenge-kolozsvari-tickets-418310476897>from 3 – 5pm EST on Oct. 3, 2022. Please register separately for each event.


*September 26 – October 14, 2022*
*Gales Gallery, York University
105 Accolade West Building,
86 Fine Arts Road, Toronto, ON *

/Sensoria: the Art and Science of Our Senses/ is co-curated by distinguished curator Nina Czegledy (Agents for Change: Facing the Anthropocene, 2020 & Leonardo/ISAST 50th Celebrations, 2018) and Sensorium director Joel Ong, with the support of assistant curators Eva Lu and Cleo Sallis-Parchet. /Sensoria/ explores the intersection of art, science and the senses, bringing together an international network of artists: Guy van Belle, Roberta Buiani, Lorella Di Cintio, Grace Grothaus, Kavi, Hrysovalanti Maheras, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Gayil Nalls, Michael Palumbo, Michaela Pnacekova, Raewyn Turner and Brian Harris. Sited concurrently in both Poland and Toronto, the exhibition will explore the dissociative potential of contemporary technologies on the senses, treating it not only as a social crisis but also an opportunity for creative play and experimentation. It aims to engage a conversation about the senses from the perspective of art, but also science, incorporating artists that straddle the boundaries of knowledge production in a variety of ways.

*The exhibition is also open during **Nuit Blanche* <https://sensorium.ampd.yorku.ca/sensorium-nuit-blanche/>*on October 1, 2022 as part of the **AGYU's "Streams"* <https://agyu.art/project/streams/>*project.*


*September 26 – October 14, 2022
Online and at Transmedia Lab, York University
105 Accolade West Building,
86 Fine Arts Road, Toronto, ON *

/Sensoria: the Art and Science of Our Senses/ symposium presents keynote lectures, discussions and performances around the connective aesthetics of everyday sensing and the knowledge-creation potential of artists and scientists collaborations.

The symposium leverages the exhibition content as the starting point for more in-depth conversation about the connective aesthetics of everyday sensing and the knowledge-creation potential of artists and scientists collaborating in innovative ways. The socio-political turbulences we have experienced worldwide during the last decade have created unprecedented social and personal strife. While connections are sustained now amongst virtual networks that straddle vast spaces, how might we consider the sharing of intimate senses through smell, touch, and bodily movement as a form of mutual support? The symposium explores questions such as these with keynote presentations by Ryszard Khuszcynski, Chris Salter and David Howse, as well as roundtables between artists and scientists: Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Gayil Nalls, Rasa Smite, Katarzyna Pastuszak, Grace Grothaus, Katarzyna Sloboda, Hilda Kosari, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Hrysovalanti Maheras, Raewyn Turner and Brian Harris. All aspects of the symposium will be presented with virtual components, so as to allow both in-person engagement in Toronto and virtual presence in Gdansk and elsewhere.

*Register for the symposium Oct. 4–5, 2022 on Eventbrite.* <https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/symposium-sensoria-the-art-and-science-of-our-senses-tickets-418241681127.>

The event will be complemented by a workshop by Csenge Kolozsvari and keynote performances by Csenge Kolozsvari and Doug Van Nort. The workshop and performances will be held live with limited ticketed capacity. A streaming link will be available for remote participation as well.

*Workshop: Schizo-Somatic Session with Csenge Kolozsvari*
October 3, 2022 3 – 5pm
Flex Space Sensorium
Register for the Workshop <https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/schizo-somatic-workshop-with-csenge-kolozsvari-tickets-418310476897>

*Performance: /The Power of the Spill/ by Csenge Kolozsvari*
October 4, 2022 12:45 – 2pm
Online and Sensorium Flex Space
Register for /The Power of the Spill/ <https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-power-of-the-spill-by-csenge-koloszari-tickets-418320296267>

*Performance: The Doug Van Nort Electro-Acoustic Orchestra*
October 5, 2022 12:45 – 2pm
Online and DisPerSion Lab
Register for The Electro-Acoustic Orchestra <https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/doug-van-nort-electro-acoustic-orchestra-tickets-418319012427>

*For more information, including symposium schedules, workshop and performance descriptions, artists’ and contributors’ biographies, please visit Sensoria’s website <https://sensorium.ampd.yorku.ca/exhibitions/sensoria-2022/>.*

/Workshop and keynote performances are presented at the exhibition and symposium /Sensoria: The Arts and Science of Our Senses <https://sensorium.ampd.yorku.ca/exhibitions/sensoria-2022/>/curated by Nina Czegledy and Joel Ong with partnering organizations Sensorium: Centre for Digital Art and Technology at the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design at York University, and the LAZNIA Centre for Contemporary Arts in Gdansk, Poland./

Sensoria/'s Toronto edition is programmed by Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and Technology at the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design (AMPD) as part of the Year of the Arts Program./
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