Posted on behalf of Wim van der Plas
Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving
May 19 & 20, at ISEA2023, Paris, France.
A packed programme during one and a half day, as an integral part of ISEA2023. Papers, Panels and Archive Presentations, submitted after our Call for Papers. Themes were: Symbioses, Sustainability & Progress. This resulted in the following paper & panel sessions:
  • Artists & Archives
  • Opening New Media Art Archives To The World
  • XR & Metaverse
  • Connecting Archives
Supplemented by an invited talk from Paris and 12 presentations of new media art archives.
See the full programme here:
Register for ISEA2023 ( before April 17 and you will get access to the full event, including the Summit, for a very low fee (
We aim at streaming the event. If you can not make it to the Summit, but like to keep informed about the stream, send an email to
The ISEA Symposium Archives are organising the Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving in partnership with ISEA2023, ISEA International, the Archive of Digital Art (ADA), the archive for the Histories of Media Art, the Ars Electronica archive, the ZKM archives, the SIGGRAPH History Archive, the SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community, the Electronic Language International Festival (FILE) archives, and the MEMODUCT posthuman archive
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

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