Michael Blatt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > mostly true. Solaris for x86 is just a shame. It's slow, lacking many
> > features from the sparc version. Moreover i don't know any developer who
> > has a solaris box installed.
> I don't intend to start a flamewar, and I mostly agree that Solaris
> x86 is flaky at best. But I'm a corporate whore and as such, I find
> more use in having Solaris than *BSD at home :)

That was not my intentions. But having an x86 solaris is... not so
usefull when we have good *nix like GNU/Linux and *BSD on this platform.

> I'll have a quick look, maybe it won't be hard, but I'm not betting on
> it. First I have to rebuild that box...

Good luck :)    

Edouard Gomez

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