Tim Woodall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> 3. We already have some magic in the usermode driver - the cell header
> CRC calculation. When someone started having some problems I spotted that
> the code to calculate the CRC had been removed and a constant (0xcb IIRC)
> was being used instead. This looked like a bug to me and I wasted some
> time writing some code to calculate and cache the CRC values.

I can answer to this one Tim :-)

We put a fixed  value because the modem computes them on  the fly when i
relays atm cells  from its USB "mailbox" to the  adsl physical link. You
have  this explained in  some specifications  of previous  "DSL" chipset
that was manufacturing Alcatel.

>From   these  specs,   we  could   reverse   engineer  a   bit  of   the
"initialization" code  and how  to communicate with  the modem  when the
firmware  was  not active  yet.   We  discovered  how the  firmware  was
encapsulated in a format that  was directly parsed by the code contained
in the modem_run's binary array... Of course we discovered lot of things
We  could even  play with  the LEDs  (blinking them  and so  on)  but we
experienced problems with a kind  of watchdog that could not be disabled
and was switching off the modem.

Well, all that speech is just to  show how much our driver is weak if we
don't have the specifications. Moreover, our reverse engineering work is
clearly illegal  in some countries  (and we could  be sued in the  US if
thomson claims that we are circumventing their protections and violating
their  IP). Being  illegal,  our  work cannot  be  distributed in  these

We want specs to make sure the driver will work in an understandable way
in the  future, whoever  is the maintainer.  Don't forget I'll  quit the
project sooner or  later, so will do Francois and so  did Benoit. If tim
quits then  nobody will  be able  to understand most  of the  user space
driver because modem_run (the most  important piece of software) is only
black  voodoo sending  some  unknown vendor  commands  to another  black
voodoo software on the modem (firmware). 

Just my 0.02¤  -- or why paying hardware if companies  don't give us the
knowledge to use them ? 

Edouard Gomez
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