Leonard den Ottolander ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>  So I had a  look at http://speedtouch.sourceforge.net and noticed the
> firmware.bin file that is made  available there. (Gomez, maybe it is a
> good idea to add your email address at this page.)

Why ? I don't claim anything about that file, so i don't want to get
emails about it (on my personal box)... As i said at that time, the
speedtouch site was down and people were asking for a firmware so i
uploaded the one i use.

Then  I've  been  blacklisted[1]  from thomson-multimedia  domain,  that
explains why i was still thinking the speedtouchdsl.com site was down.

> My question  is where does this  firmware.bin come from?  A direct URL
> avoiding the nag screen would be  great. I can't find any reference to
> this firmware anywhere  on the sites I searched.  (No idea why Thomson
> is speaking of Linux "support".)

It was a firmware shipped in a MacOSX driver release. MacOSX drivers use
raw firmwares,  so it was/is a good  idea to take them  instead of using
wrapped firmwares in .dll or .o files.

Now i know Thomson distributes the raw firmware file directly (not a
mgmt.o) file. 

[1] I  don't knwo why exactly but  i cannot access their  site (not even
their main site). All sites  in the the thomson multimedia domain refuse
my  connection  (i  have  a  static   IP  so  it's  easy  to  filter  my
connections). A friend  provided me a Proxy access (his  proxy is in the
same IP  range/same ISP IP group) and,  hided behind the proxy  i had no
problems... so i'm pretty sure i'm simply blacklisted from their domain.

Edouard Gomez

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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