On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 2:25 PM, David <dwarnol...@suddenlink.net> wrote:
> Kevin,
> I think developers might be following our posts. I updated (svn)
> MathJax and easy_install -U Sphinx, started anew, and the green font
> is now gone, both in Safari and Firefox.
> Your quote:
> "You are correct that the minimal settings will work, however, I left
> the span and div elements in there: others might have existing CSS
> styling settings, so these wrapping elements should allow their CSS to
> be easily customized.  Would it be useful to have a mathjax.py setting
> to make this output optional?"
> I don't think I know enough to answer this question. From what I have
> read (quite a bit), MathJax has ways of configuring the mathematics,
> so I don't really see a need for the class="math" guys.
> But, I am very new to this.
> David.
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I say keep it. It doesn't hurt and is helpful if people want to style
"math" generated stuff differently from other things. One of the
things that Sphinx 1.0 changed was adding the "type" of the node to
the HTML "class" attribute just so elements could be separately
styled. For example:

   <strong class="command">rm</strong> is strong</p>

Given that, it's easy to change the rendering of "command" roles to be
italic, underlined, etc. It doesn't have to be "strong" (bold)

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