On Sep 11, 2010, at 2:35 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:

> I've run into a problem with the graphviz extension and LaTeX output, similar 
> to the one described in this older thread 
> http://groups.google.com/group/sphinx-dev/browse_thread/thread/b4d6b008d85e95a2/2b9a3bd468558cad?lnk=gst&q=graphviz#

I should have mentioned that I'm using Python 2.7 and Sphinx v1.0.3.

> I have this input:
>       Consider this digraph:
>       .. digraph:: pickle_example
>            "root";
>            "root" -> "a";
>            "root" -> "b";
>            "a" -> "b";
>            "b" -> "a";
>            "b" -> "c";
>            "a" -> "a";
>       The graph includes several cycles, ...
> It is rendered to HTML as I want it, with 2 paragraphs surrounding the image. 
>  The LaTeX output doesn't split the paragraphs from the image, though:
>       Consider the following digraph.
>       \includegraphics{graphviz-b03aab1b73c0685a4371559e3962f4a0a7f366b0.pdf}
>       The graph includes several cycles, ...
> So the image is inlined in the middle of a single paragraph that should be 2.
> Guenter's response to the original thread implied that this might be solvable 
> with styling instructions, either in rst or LaTeX, but I can't work out what 
> I should be doing differently in the input to achieve the results I want.
> Does anyone have any suggestions about how to work around this and insert the 
> necessary paragraph breaks?
> Thanks,
> Doug

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