> ...but this doesn't work on document names.

Ah, sorry. I'd forgotten that. :numref: is not good for your case.

> The "obvious" fix seems to be to extend the formatting options to :doc:. I
> did that in https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/pull/4445; the code change
> is pretty minor (only 5 lines of logic), but I haven't done doc yet. Please
> let me know if this seems like a reasonable approach.

Thanks, I'll take a look later.

> Would you consider a PR to add such a feature? And if so, any preference for
> what the role should be named? (My local implementation uses :secnumber`,
> which is a bit of a misnomer since it resolves document names, not sections.
> It's about 15 LOC... one of those is a minor tweak to DocReferenceMigrator
> that I'm not sure is actually needed. Even besides that, however, it
> leverages the guts of StandardDomain, and would likely be much, much more
> complicated to implement as an external feature.)

My large concern is the feature is commonly used or not.
I doubt non hyperlinked reference is common.

So I'd not like to implement it to sphinx-core even if it is very small code.
We'd like to keep sphinx-core simple and small.

#  Now we're going to split off some modules to external packages.

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