Welcome to Python and Sphinx!

Your project setup looks good, there is only one thing where I see a
potential problem (but I'm not sure):

You did include the option "napoleon_include_private_with_doc", but
the function you are showing (_SetupLogging) is not a member function
(i.e. it is not part of a class).
The documentation just speaks of "member functions":

You may have to specify your "private" function explicitly:

.. autofunction:: _SetupLogging

But as I said, I'm not sure about this.

In order for other people here to reproduce your problem, it is
typically easier if you provide a very minimal but fully working
In your case you would only need one .py file (with only one function).
You could include the "automodule" stuff directly in index.rst, not
needing any more .rst file.
And then you need a working conf.py, which you also should strip down
to the bare minimum (that still works as it is).
And you should specify in which directories the files are, as you already did.

You can include all this in the message (it's only a few lines per
file), people can quickly copy this to some files and try it out for

You could also share your test project online, e.g. on a Github Gist
or something similar, and provide just a link here.

But most importantly, oftentimes when you create a minimal version of
your problem, you'll find the solution by yourself before even sharing

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 12:55 AM <c.bu...@posteo.jp> wrote:
> I have problems starting with Sphinx on my Python3 code.
> I read some tutorials and think I understand it. I also looked in some
> example code on GitHub (project: backintime).
> But in the result I see only the name of the main module, not more.
> I use sphinx and python3.6 on Debian unstable.
> Because I saw it in an example I name the main module explicite. But
> what I would expect is that Sphinx looking in each py-file by itself.
> This is the folder and structure with some (not all) files
> .
> ├── doc
> │   ├── build
> │   │   ├── doctrees
> │   │   │   ├── environment.pickle
> │   │   │   ├── feedybus.doctree
> │   │   │   ├── index.doctree
> │   │   │   └── modules.doctree
> │   │   └── html
> │   │       ├── feedybus.html
> │   │       ├── genindex.html
> │   │       ├── index.html
> │   │       ├── modules.html
> │   │       ├── objects.inv
> │   │       ├── py-modindex.html
> │   │       ├── search.html
> │   │       ├── searchindex.js
> │   │       ├── _sources
> │   │       │   ├── feedybus.rst.txt
> │   │       │   ├── index.rst.txt
> │   │       │   └── modules.rst.txt
> │   │       └── _static
> │   │           ├── ajax-loader.gif
> │   │           ├── alabaster.css
> │   │           ├── basic.css
> │   │           ├── comment-bright.png
> │   │           ├── comment-close.png
> │   │           ├── comment.png
> │   │           ├── custom.css
> │   │           ├── doctools.js
> │   │           ├── documentation_options.js
> │   │           ├── down.png
> │   │           ├── down-pressed.png
> │   │           ├── file.png
> │   │           ├── jquery.js
> │   │           ├── minus.png
> │   │           ├── plus.png
> │   │           ├── pygments.css
> │   │           ├── searchtools.js
> │   │           ├── underscore.js
> │   │           ├── up.png
> │   │           ├── up-pressed.png
> │   │           └── websupport.js
> │   ├── Makefile
> │   └── source
> │       ├── conf.py
> │       ├── feedybus.rst
> │       ├── index.rst
> │       ├── modules.rst
> │       ├── _static
> │       └── _templates
> ├── feedybus
> │   ├── application.py
> │   ├── basics.py
> │   ├── config.py
> │   ├── data.py
> │   ├── entrieslistview.py
> │   ├── fetchfeeds.py
> │   ├── graphic
> │   │   ├── bullet.svg
> │   │   ├── checked.png
> │   │   ├── exit.png
> │   │   ├── ...etc...
> │   ├── __init__.py
> │   ├── __main__.py
> │   ├── make.bat
> │   ├── Makefile
> │   ├── treeview.py
> │   └── window.py
> ├── Feedybus.sh
> This are IMO the relevant lines from conf.py
> import os
> import sys
> sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../..'))
> # ...
> extensions = [
>     'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
>     'sphinx.ext.napoleon',
>     'sphinx.ext.intersphinx',
>     'sphinx.ext.viewcode',
> ]
> # ...
> napoleon_include_private_with_doc = True
> The index.rst is untouched by me.
> But modules.rst and feedybus.rst
> $ cat doc/source/modules.rst
> common
> ======
> .. toctree::
>    :maxdepth: 4
>    feedybus
> $ cat doc/source/feedybus.rst
> Feedybus
> ========
> .. automodule:: feedybus
>    :members:
>    :undoc-members:
>    :show-inheritance:
> The file feedybus/__init__.py is empty.
> The file feedybus/__main__.py as functions with docstrings like this
> def _SetupLogging(size, n, debug):
>     """Setup the logging mechanism and return the logger object.
>     Args:
>         size (int): Maximum size of a log file in KiloBytes.
>         n (int): Maximum number of log files keeped.
>         debug (bool): Debug-Level on or off
>     Returns:
>         logging.Logger:
>     """
> --
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