> > +                   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
> > +                           obuf[i] = (u8)xmit->buf[xmit->tail] | WD_TAG;
> > +                           xmit->tail = (xmit->tail + 1) &
> > +                                           (UART_XMIT_SIZE - 1);
> Could this driver use include/linux/kfifo.h, rather than open-coding it?

The circ buffer stuff comes from the serial layer. The whole serial layer
wants switching to kfifo (as and when we know why the kfifo changes seem
to have broken USB serial) but the driver can't do that itself and use
the serial core code until then.

(Actually most of the serial_core code wants a rewrite but having had a
couple of goes at doing it I've not figured out any way to do it without
simply breaking all sorts of embedded platform serial drivers that need
specific hardware to fix).

> > +                   }
> > +                   max3110_write_then_read(max, (u8 *)obuf,
> > +                                           (u8 *)ibuf, len * 2, 0);
> Error codes are ignored.

The drivers/serial midlayer has no provision for reporting them.


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