Hi Chris,

Thanks for the changes, I’ve made most of them and pushed them to the repo, as 
described below. As suggested by Nicolás I’ve set the default resolution in 
-360 mode to be lower (1080 x 540) so that it fits on the screen in interactive 
mode. This means its also faster to render.

I also added the -fourpi and -4pi flags as aliases for -360, in support of your 
proposed naming scheme.



> Glad the 360-degree option made it into splash already!
> In making new images with Nico's sims, as well as reproducing 360-degree 
> plots from some of mine, I came across a few things that I think should be 
> updated.  The first changes affects the polar regions, the second affects the 
> wrapping around at the phi=+-pi border, the third affects the space reserved 
> for the colorbar, and the rest are minor.
> Polar Regions:
> In geometry.f90, subroutine get_coord_limits, case igeom=3, starting at line 
> 766:
> replace
>     if (r > 0. .and. xmin(1) > 0.) then
>        dphi = atan(rad/r)
>        xmin(2) = xout(2)-dphi
>        xmax(2) = xout(2)+dphi
>        xmin(3) = min(acos((xin(3)-rad)/r),acos((xin(3)+rad)/r))
>        xmax(3) = max(acos((xin(3)+rad)/r),acos((xin(3)-rad)/r))
>        xmin(3) = max(xmin(3),0.)
>        xmax(3) = min(xmax(3),pi)
>     else
> with
>     if (r > 0. .and. xmin(1) > 0.) then
>        rcyl = sqrt(xin(1)**2 + xin(2)**2)
>        if(rcyl > rad) then
>           dphi = asin(rad/rcyl)
>           xmin(2) = xout(2)-dphi
>           xmax(2) = xout(2)+dphi
>        else
>           xmin(2) = -pi
>           xmax(2) = pi
>        endif
>        dtheta = asin(rad/r)
>        xmin(3) = xout(3)-dtheta
>        xmax(3) = xout(3)+dtheta
>        xmin(3) = max(xmin(3),0.)
>        xmax(3) = min(xmax(3),pi)
>     else

Have pushed these changes - thanks!

> The original computation of the polar limits involves acos((z+-rad)/r), which 
> fails when the argument is greater than 1: the result of acos(argument>1) 
> yields a NaN, so the irrelevant option is chosen in the min/max statements, 
> which means the polar pixels have no contributions.  I replaced this with 
> asin(rad/r), which finds the exact boundary of the sphere with radius rad and 
> center r from the origin.
> I also noticed that the azimuthal selection criteria seemed to possibly miss 
> a small range of pixels, which got larger as the particle moved away from the 
> x-y plane.  Therefore, I suggest that the phi range depends on 
> asin(rad/rcyl), where rcyl is the distance to the z-axis.  Put another way, 
> using rcyl projects the sphere onto the x-y plane, and then calculates the 
> theta limits.
> Note that I don't have anything to enforce the limits for phi to be between 
> -pi and pi -- this will allow for wrapping around the phi=+-pi border, if you 
> make the next change.
> phi=+-pi Border
> In interpolate3D_proj_geom.F90, subroutine get_pixel_limits, starting at line 
> 582:
> replace
>   !if (.not.coord_is_periodic(ixcoord,igeom)) then
>      if (ipixmin.lt.1) ipixmin = 1  ! make sure they only contribute
>      if (jpixmin.lt.1) jpixmin = 1  ! to pixels in the image
>   !endif
>   !if (.not.coord_is_periodic(iycoord,igeom)) then
>      if (ipixmax.gt.npixx) ipixmax = npixx ! (note that this optimises
>      if (jpixmax.gt.npixy) jpixmax = npixy !  much better than using min/max)
>   !endif
> with
>   if (.not.coord_is_periodic(ixcoord,igeom)) then
>      if (ipixmin.lt.1) ipixmin = 1  ! make sure they only contribute
>      if (ipixmax.gt.npixx) ipixmax = npixx ! (note that this optimises
>   endif
>   if (.not.coord_is_periodic(iycoord,igeom)) then
>      if (jpixmin.lt.1) jpixmin = 1  ! to pixels in the image
>      if (jpixmax.gt.npixy) jpixmax = npixy !  much better than using min/max)
>   endif
> Removing the pixel limits of -pi and pi for phi allows the wraparound given 
> that subroutine interpolate3D_proj_geom, lines 255/256, 
>            if (ip < 1)     ip = ip + npixx
>            if (ip > npixx) ip = ip - npixx
> puts the pixel limits between 1 and npixx.  When I originally did this, I 
> made the possibility of having two phi regions, one above -pi and one below 
> pi, but this bit of code, coupled with the get_pixel_limits change, does the 
> same thing.  Of course the tradeoff is that the above two if statements run 
> on every single ip, and another two if statements run for every single jp, 
> which is not the case in my original implementation.

Also pushed.

> Colorbar Space:
> This is a hack, but add the following to colourbar.f90, subroutine 
> get_colourbarmargins, line 500:
>       barwidth=0.
> This negates any change in yminmargin.  Otherwise, the number of pixels in 
> the y-direction is reduced to leave space for a colorbar, even though there 
> is no colorbar outside the plot boundary.
> This change is obviously a quick fix; it would be better to add another 
> option to this subroutine since this hack will no doubt screw up plots where 
> the colorbar is outside the plotting range.  I didn't try to figure that out 
> since I didn't want to screw something else up for non-360 plots.

Happy to discuss this, seems bad to do this by default.

> Minor suggestions:
> Here are some other, less-involved things I noticed:
> 1.  In options_page.f90, lines 303 and 304:
>         print*,'18) 4320 x 2160 pixels (360s)'
>         print*,'19) 8640 x 4320 pixels (720s)'
> should be
>         print*,'18) 4320 x 2160 pixels (2160s)'
>         print*,'19) 8640 x 4320 pixels (4320s)'
> since the number in front of the 's' refers to the number of polar pixels (at 
> least that's the convention YouTube uses).
Now fixed.

> 2.  Also in options_page.f90, at lines 394 to 492, it appears that the case 
> numbers are off by 1 according to the lines I copied above:
>            case(18)
>               papersizex = 27320.
>               papersizey = 3072.
>            case(19)
>               papersizex = 4320.
>               papersizey = 2160.
>            case(20)
>               papersizex = 8640.
>               papersizey = 4320.
> Here Case 19 is 2160s, but above it is case 18.  I'm not sure about this 
> being wrong, though, since Nico's plots, which used the default -360 option 
> only, were 2160s.  Sorry if there isn't actually anything wrong with this 
> portion.

Now fixed.

> 3.  When viewed in 360-degree mode, the legend at the top of the plot and the 
> color bar at the bottom will be severely distorted, perhaps even unreadable.  
> I suggest putting these items at least 1/3 of the way from the top/bottom of 
> the plot.  They will still be out of the way of the center of the image, 
> which is usually the most important view, but they will not be too distorted 
> to read.  (I also prefer a vertical colorbar as most of my stars in the GC 
> sims orbit left to right, but that's just a matter of 
> personal/simulation-dependent preference.  I imagine disk simulations would 
> also benefit from a vertical colorbar since I imagine there are not vertical 
> structures that the colorbar could completely block .)

Have changed the default style to be vertical in 360 mode
> 4.  I also like it better with "nomenu = .true." in splash.f90 commented out. 
>  This way I can easily adjust plot limits, log/linear, etc.  But this is also 
> personal preference, and so you might want to leave the default case the way 
> it is.
I’ve left this as default. The main issue is that it’s not obvious to the 
novice user that one should select theta-phi as the axes. With the reduced 
default resolution it is hopefully now easier to adjust things interactively 

> Please let me know if you have any questions about the suggestions I made.  
> Hopefully the main suggestions I made (polar region and phi=+-pi border) will 
> not negatively affect any other aspect of Splash.  (I also hope that my 
> suggestions are indeed correct; I did test them pretty thoroughly, but I'll 
> do this more as I continue to make more 360-degree plots with this new tool.)

Happy to discuss more next week :)

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