Hi Martin,

Thanks for review. I will post the new version. Hopefully, it will address all 
your comments and we can close this review.

Any updates on below response?



Sent from my iPhone

> On May 23, 2018, at 4:17 AM, Gaurav Dawra <gdawra.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thanks for the review. Any further comments here ? I will post the new 
> version soon.
> Cheers,
> Gaurav
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On May 16, 2018, at 7:44 PM, Gaurav Dawra <gdawra.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> Apologies from my end we had few internal authors conversations on the 
>> points you have raised.
>> Please find below my response. I will be happy to discuss further, if needed.
>> <Gaurav> inline...
>>> On Apr 9, 2018, at 7:58 AM, Martin Stiemerling <mls.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Gaurav,
>>> This got lost on my end, sorry for this. The filter just moved these 
>>> messages out of my sight... :-/
>>>> Am 15.02.18 um 05:47 schrieb Gaurav Dawra:
>>>> Hey Martin,
>>>> Sorry for late reply. Please see some comments inline[Gaurav]
>>>>> On Jan 9, 2018, at 2:25 PM, Martin Stiemerling <mls.i...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:mls.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I've reviewed this document as part of the transport area review team's 
>>>>> ongoing effort to review key IETF documents. These comments were written 
>>>>> primarily for the transport area directors, but are copied to the 
>>>>> document's authors for their information and to allow them to address any 
>>>>> issues raised. When done at the time of IETF Last Call, the authors 
>>>>> should consider this review together with any other last-call comments 
>>>>> they receive. Please always CC tsv-art@… if you reply to or forward this 
>>>>> review.
>>>>> Summary:
>>>>> This draft has serious issues in Section 7.1, 7.2 and in one part of 
>>>>> Section3, described in the review, and needs to be rethought. The other 
>>>>> sections are good AFAIK.
>>>>> Technicals:
>>>>> The overall draft looks ok, but the three points below look strange and 
>>>>> need a fix before publication IMHO:
>>>>> Both Sections, 7.1. and 7.2., are describing ideas, but not well proven 
>>>>> funcationality and not even safe to use functionality. Both are some sort 
>>>>> discussing that different paths in the network could be used by the end 
>>>>> host traffic. This sounds pretty much like the Path Aware Networking 
>>>>> Proposed Research Group (https://irtf.org/panrg) and hints to the fact 
>>>>> that there is no commonly understand and accepted engineering solution in 
>>>>> this space.
>>>>> Section 7.1:
>>>>> [KANDULA04] is a really old reference that hasn't been followed up in 
>>>>> recent times and even worse there is no evidence that this is going to 
>>>>> work good enough or stable enough under real Internet traffic. 
>>>>> Additionally, it is more than unclear how any modern TCP implementation 
>>>>> will react to this
>>>> [Gaurav] Will get back on this.
>>> I will reply to the other email dicussing this.
>> <Gaurav> I have replied to other thread.
>>>>> Section 7.2:
>>>>> This section describes an idea without detailing too much about any 
>>>>> further aspects. Further it changes the commonly accepted notion of what 
>>>>> an end host can do with the network. At best this would require a good 
>>>>> definition of what an end host in your setting is, e.g., a highly 
>>>>> modified piece of (at least) software that usually not found in OS 
>>>>> availble on the market (yet?)
>>>>> Further communicating instantaneous path characteristics to a central 
>>>>> point is potentially a bad idea, as the data is already outdated when 
>>>>> reported by any node.
>>>> [Gaurav] I believe Authors are trying to highlight that Host which is 
>>>> defined in 
>>>> (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-15) can 
>>>> influence the traffic based on the Calculations locally or jointly with 
>>>> the controller. Implementations can decide how much Centralized -vs- 
>>>> localized control is allowed at Host based on performance data collection.
>>> Performance data collection (monitoring?) isn't crucial when it comes to 
>>> timely (actually real-time) reaction. However, this section isn't just 
>>> about performance data collection as it is about "Performance-aware 
>>> routing" this seems to try to interact in real-time with the network 
>>> behavior of TCP. This isn't even close to acceptable.
>>> I would be ok to say that it is useful to collect performance data for 
>>> offline analysis and improvement of the data network. However, this is at 
>>> completely different magnitues of time scales.
>>> I would recommend to remove the TCP part from this section entirely.
>> <Gaurav>Ack, will update in next rev:
>> Section will read like this:
>> ;
>>    Knowing the path associated with flows/packets, the end host may
>>    deduce certain characteristics of the path on its own, and
>>    additionally use the information supplied with path information
>>    pushed from the controller or received via pull request.  The host
>>    may further share its path observations with the centralized agent,
>>    so that the latter may keep up-to-date network health map to assist
>>    other hosts with this information.
>>    For example, an application A.1 at HostA may pin a flow destined
>>    to HostZ via Spine node Node5 using label stack {16005, 16011}. The
>>    application A.1 may collect information on packet loss, deduced from
>>    Other offline mechanisms.  [There are some pingMesh mechanisms which 
>>    Can be used here]
>>     Through these mechanisms information to a centralized agent, e.g.
>>    after a flow completes, or periodically for longer lived flows.
>>    Next, using both local and/or global performance data, application
>>    A.1 as well as other applications sharing the same resources in the
>>    DC fabric may pick up the best path for the new flow, or update an
>>    existing path (e.g.: when informed of congestion on an existing
>>    path).
>> ;
>>>>> Section 3, 3rd bullet point:
>>>>> It is the foundation of TCP that the network is regarded as a black box 
>>>>> and that you infer from the transmission of packets what the current 
>>>>> state of the network path is. Inferring network path metrics (you mention 
>>>>> SRTT, MSS, CWND ) is a bad idea, as this would required that all paths 
>>>>> exhibit this and if not what is going to happen?
>>>>> It could be an interesting research field to change many points in TCP's 
>>>>> behavior, but this once again points to the fact that this not the IETF 
>>>>> works but IRTF or elsewhere.
>>>> [Gaurav] Martin, Authors are trying to suggest that TCP is rightly 
>>>> treating Network as Black Box. Authors are implying per path performance 
>>>> metrics as not cached. Is there some change in text you are suggesting?
>>> I would recommend to remove the 3rd bullet point completey. TCP isn't the 
>>> place to remember "good" or "bad" paths. This is something the network 
>>> could decide, e.g., rerouting TCP flows within the network or changing the 
>>> forwarding path in the network for particular flows (if it is not routed).
>> <Gaurav> Ack, after discussion, we will remove the Section 3 - 3rd bullet 
>> point. Will update in next rev - coming shortly.
>>> Kind regards,
>>>  Martin
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