Sander, in-line

On 10/09/2019, 18:21, "spring on behalf of Sander Steffann" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    > No. And that is why I want SRv6+ to move forward, to avoid getting 
trapped in the SRv6 walled garden.
    > The way IETF works (at least in vast majority of WGs) is that if you do 
not like a specific element of a solution or if something is missing from any 
solution during WG process - you contribute to it to either fix it or to make 
sure the WG product is the best possible.
    > So nothing prevented you for all the years IETF has been dealing with 
SRv6 process to take an active part in its standardization.
    > Asking for adoption of solution which brings nothing new to already 
shipping solution of SR-MPLS when it would travel over IPv4 or IPv6 is at best 
    No, something that today can do the same as SR-MPLS but over IPv6, with 
lots of space for future expansion, is something I like to see. Using IPv6 
instead of MPLS already gives the benefit of unifying transport technologies. 
I'm not waiting for something feature packed with so many knobs and "special" 
(read: header insertion, bit shifting etc) that it will be much harder to work 

WH> Would you be ok with this?, support segment 
routing over IPv4 and/or IPv6.
    > It is like now you would be asking to adopt some individual drafts which 
woke up and defined new data plane and new control plane for services you are 
running in your network - and call those MPLS+, L2VPN+, L3VPN+ and mVPN+ 
without any new functionality.
    That "without any new functionality" isn't exactly true either…
    > Would it make sense ?
    If those data plane and control plane drafts provide an easier way to do 
those things? Most definitely yes.
    It's the measuring progress by how many features and "cool" things are 
added that is a problem here. Progress also include making technology easier to 
manage, easier to understand, easier to debug, more accessible to average 
network engineers.
    Antoine de Saint Exupéry was right: “Perfection is achieved, not when there 
is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

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