Ok, so couple of things.

I really think we need to clearly and totally divorce the comments on this list 
from those around SRH – since – there seems to be this kind of bizarre 
conflating of two issues, and while it’s a nice piece of obfuscation – let’s be 
clear on a number of things.

  1.  Almost every  objection on this list that I have seen has related 
directly to the NP and uSID drafts – not towards the SRH draft which does not 
sit within this working group.  The primary problem I see with the SRH draft is 
around overhead – and well – if people wish to live with that level of overhead 
– so be it – but, that does not relate to the complexity, the violations of 
RFC8200 and the wholesale re-definition of the address semantics as defined by 
RFC4291 that have been objected to here – those issues are directly related to 
the NP and uSID drafts.  Let’s be clear on that.
  2.  The constant citing of a marketing document – where almost everything in 
there is related to the use of SRv6 in the context of the SRH – again – not in 
this working group – with little evidence or citation of use of the NP draft or 
the uSID drafts which are what we sound be discussing here – is, in my view, 
really stretching for support – through an obfuscation of items that while 
related are not the same thing

Now, there is also an argument I have seen that you should not have two things 
that solve the same problem.  So, lets talk about the CRH for a second.  CRH 
does not address the same issues that the NP draft does – it addresses an 
insane and inescapable overhead issue.  In the process of doing that, it 
provides, in my view, a cleaner version of the functionality of that contained 
in the network programming draft and the uSID draft, without header insertion 
and without the burning of absolutely insane amounts of address space.  So 
again – let’s not conflate issues here.

Now – I would ask this, and I have asked the questions before and not seen them 
addressed – if they have been – I would be more than happy to be corrected and 
be pointed to the emails that address these things

  1.  Can someone explain how with the use of NP proper aggregation is going to 
  2.  Can someone please – as per the request made by the chairs in Montreal – 
supply an indication of the address space burn that is required – both in terms 
of the uSID draft and the NP draft
  3.  Can the authors please explain how either of these drafts is proposed to 
work in either an inter-asn or inter-igp area scenario – or – is this 
explicitly and unequivocally designed to work only within a single domain – and 
if that is the case – I’d be happy to explain how this would work with CRH – 
and why there is an additional requirement for CRH beyond the removal of the 
  4.  In the case of uSID – can we get an explanation of how it is compatible 
with the network programming draft outside of end point programming – since the 
way I see it – if you’re shifting bits to effectively perform “routing by NAT” 
– you’re throwing away the locator bits as defined in the network programming 
draft.  If the answer to this is to retain the entire SID list – then the 
overhead reduction disappears – and at which point, please can someone explain 
to me why you would run uSID at all if you are doing this.
  5.  Since we have had constant references to multiple platforms supporting 
this – can we get a list of actual vendors and hardware that support the NP and 
uSID drafts in production today – not SRH – NP and uSID – and inter-op tests 
between these platforms.  Let’s separate the issues here.
I will also say – I do NOT oppose work continuing on SRH and SRv6 – never have 
– never will.  I also do not oppose work continuing on either the NP or uSID 
drafts – provided the issues that have been raised – time and again on this 
list are addressed.  However, I will also state that I do not believe that CRH 
performs the same function as the NP draft, what it does is include the 
functionality involved in the NP draft, while solving an overhead issue – and 
on that basis alone, outside of many other reasons, I believe that work on it 
should continue.

Over the last few days reading emails on this list – I fear a situation where 
both sides (and I include myself on this), are feeling the need to attack each 
other – and block the work on “opposing” drafts.  Now, I can easily see how 
this could arise – but – I’ll also say that I don’t think its in the interests 
of the industry, or the operators, or well, anyone.  I would far rather see a 
situation where we work towards a productive solution – let work continue on 
all of this, and then let the industry decide which they want to use, and 
indeed, work towards a productive solution where we have some interoperability. 
 And yes, as was alluded to, I did raise the possibility of an inter-op draft 
to facilitate forward movement here, and I had only one vendor out of all the 
vendors I approached actually indicate opposition to this, so I would ask now 
directly on list, can we work towards a situation where instead of all blocking 
each other – work continues and we find a way to play nice, and indeed, 
inter-operate?  I really fear that the alternative is that this fight drags on 
forever, and in the mean time, vendors and operators alike continue to develop 
and deploy outside of the standardization – and every day that continues – we 
move further away from being able to find a sane way to inter-operate.

There is a phrase that I have heard – and perhaps it applies here – perhaps we 
need to put our guns down – and find a way to in which we can move forward that 
while it probably will not satisfy everyone, will be in the interests of the 
market in general by avoiding a total standoff.

Just my thoughts


From: Zafar Ali (zali) <z...@cisco.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 11 September 2019 07:27
To: Aijun Wang <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn>; 'Robert Raszuk' 
<rob...@raszuk.net>; 'Sander Steffann' <san...@steffann.nl>
Cc: 'Ron Bonica' <rbonica=40juniper....@dmarc.ietf.org>; 'SPRING WG List' 
<spring@ietf.org>; Andrew Alston <andrew.als...@liquidtelecom.com>; 'James 
Guichard' <james.n.guich...@futurewei.com>; 'Shraddha Hegde' 
<shrad...@juniper.net>; 'Rob Shakir' <ro...@google.com>; 'Voyer, Daniel' 
<daniel.vo...@bell.ca>; Zafar Ali (zali) <z...@cisco.com>
Subject: Re: 答复: [spring] Going back to the original question for the Spring WG 
(was: Re: Beyond SRv6.)


Hi, Robert:

But the concept of SRv6+ is more clear than the SRv6(topology/service 
instruction separation; different instruction carried in different IPv6 EH).

Hi Aijun,

Can you please various thread to gauge the complexity, incompleteness and why 
CRH (aka SRv6+) makes no sense, e.g.,:

  *   Countless responses from Robert, 
  *   Many responses like 
  *   Many responses from Dirk, including 
  *   Excellent points from Dan 
  *   Many reasons like 

Hope it helps,


Regards … Zafar

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