
> From: Sander Steffann [] 
> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 8:51 PM
> Cc: SPRING WG List; draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming; 6man WG
> Subject: Re: [spring] WGLC - draft-ietf-spring-srv6-network-programming
> > ===============
> > D) formal decision to advance this document
> > ===============
> > I'm listed as a contributor on this document (among 23 contributors).
> > Even though I have zero specific write/modification privilege on the text 
> > in this document, and I'm not part of the authors email alias, this would 
> > not be ideal for me to take the decision to forward this document to the 
> > IESG. I've discussed this with our AD (Martin) and he agreed to make the 
> > formal decision to send the document to the next level. Thank you Martin.
> > As an element of context, I handled this WG LC not for the fun of it or 
> > because I believed it would easy, but because we needed to advance this 
> > document and that Rob was not available to take that role.
> Wait, what?!  There is no "we needed to advance this document" in the IETF or 
> any other consensus based forum... 

By advance this document, I meant start the WG LC. Which is about collecting 
comments on the document.

The situation is that there was and is a single chair. I'm personally ok to not 
proceed with any adoption call or last call while there is no other co-chair. 
Note that my AD never asked for this.

> Based on the discussions on the mailing list (including questions on why PSP 
> is so important that we can't take it out for now which have never been 
> clearly answered by the authors) I can't see you can possibly declare 
> consensus.
> If there is going to be an appeal I will certainly put my signature on it.

This is you right to appeal to the IESG.
Note that appealing to the IESG is exactly what I'm proposing to do with 
regards to the reading of RFC 8200.

> I also find the behaviour of the WG chairs does not befit their 
> responsibilities.
> Appalling.
> Sander


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