
I'd do a couple of things to attempt to get some clarity (sanity?) from your AHJ.

First, I'd direct his to the applicable definitions of feed main, cross main, and branch lines in chapter 3 of NFPA-13. They are 3.5.3, 3.5.2 and 3.5.1, respectively. After he's had a chance to look that over, direct him to figure A.3.5 in the annex, particularly the blow-up which shows the relationship to branches, mains, riser nipples, etc.

Next, ask him to review the requirements in, which clearly makes a distinction between feed/cross mains and branch lines. Of course, if the branch lines you're arguing about are 2-1/2" or larger, you're going to have to brace them anyway, unless the exception
for short rods in allows you to eliminate the lateral braces.

Finally, I'd ask him for a ruling that if he is regarding the branch lines as feed or cross mains in a gridded system that he is therefore requiring that you laterally and longitudinally brace the branch lines, even in light of the clear explanatory material in Fig A. which shows the typical location of bracing in a gridded system, and very explicitly indicates "No Bracing" on the branch lines. If he does so require, then I would ask that he put that decision into writing, as you now have an excellent extra to take back to your client, as there is no clear intent for branch lines in a grid (less than 2-1/2" in size) to be braced, and unless this AHJ has a published policy of such a requirement (doubtful), or it was in the project spec (doubly doubtful), you could not have known this was a requirement, and are entitled to an extra.

One thing for sure though is that if you are required to do this, you won't have as much loading on the main braces, as the branch lines being braced eliminates their load from the mains.
Ken Wagoner
760.745.6181 voice
760.745.0537 fax
www.parsleyconsulting.com <http://www.parsleyconsulting.com/> website

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