We have 1500 gpm diesel pump equipped with a PLD. While running at full
flow the strainers to the PLD and in the cooling line become clogged
with sand or fine silt causing the engine to over heat and the PLD to
fail. The city pressure and volume is not sufficient to adequately flush
the 16" dead end main coming to the site so we have to live with the
contaminated water for the time being. We are going to install a
strainer in the suction to the pump but that will only catch rocks and
stuff not the sand and silt.

The problem is how to flush or prevent the strainers from clogging
during a pump run. I have heard of cyclonic generator as a possible
solution but have not been able to find and information on one.

We are looking for ideas, suggestions or proven solutions if there are

Thanks for your help.

Ron Fletcher
Aero Automatic
Phoenix, AZ 
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