I go with what Ron said. Also note that obstructions (shelves) are not an issue in a closet. Also it is A. that states that sprinklers are not required within furniture is the old text and it was expanded in 07 (and put within the standard ) at 8.1.1(7). That section also states you can attach the furniture to the structure. It doesn't say you can put it within a closet.


On Nov 5, 2008, at 7:27 AM, Ron Greenman wrote:

I tend to agree with Allen if I'm understanding his argument
correctly. And correct me if I'm misstating the thought but I don't
think he meant that the recess did not necessarily have to have
separate protection but that the floor area had to be accounted for by
some sprinkler. If I buy a free standing entertainment center I have a
potential fire hazard (lots of plugs and cords) and the area of the
building it occupies is protected by the overhead system. I am not
going to worry about a fire inside it until that fire breaches the
cabinet itself. By the same token if I have a built-in entertainment
center I have the same hazard and must consider the building area it
occupies if the fire breaches the cabinet. If that occurs then the
building must be protected (protecting the cabinet in both cases is my
concern, not society's, and could be addressed by a wonder gas if I so
desire). Now if I use a former closet for my cabinet, using a face
frame, with or without doors, and the former closet door lintel is an
obstruction, and the closet does not meet any of the closet exemption
rules then it would require a sprinkler on the closet side of the
lintel. The same issues would apply if I just put a free standing
cabinet in the closet opening. The cabinet parts are just a
distraction in this discussion. The issues are the lintel (i.e.:
obstruction) and sprinkler spacing rules.

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