Something further if you are contemplating the 2009 IBC provisions for Live
/ Work units in Section 419 ...

Aside from the specific sprinkler design issues cited you should be aware
that  419.11 #3 prohibits the non-residential use from being on any level
other than the first / main floor ..... did someone mention this office was
in the basement?

Additionally, if the Live Work unit is applied it makes the entire building
a Group R-2 which triggers fire sprinkler protection which we already are
talking about and the system is also required to be supervised to the IBC
Section 907.2.9.

All of this is theoretical though if the prevailing building code in the
jurisdiction is not the 2009 IBC ... just my thoughts on not getting into
which referenced standard applies until after passing through the adopted
building code which may very well make that decision and others for us in

Dave Phelan

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