Is a paint booth, regardless of size, treated the same as a spray booth from 
NFPA 13/33?  I have a small paint booth (1 head plus the exhaust duct), and I 
just want to verify that I am to meet the requirements of NFPA 13, 2010 edition 
21 .4 Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials, which is 
taken from NFPA 33?
EH2, separate valve, cellophane or paper bags over the sprinklers, sprinklers 
in stacks or ducts spaced every 12', etc.

Thank you.

Reed Roisum

Reed A. Roisum, SET | Karges-Faulconbridge, Inc. | Senior Fire Protection 
Designer | Fargo, ND | direct: 701.552.9903 | mobile: 701.388.1352 |

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