On 9/21/15 7:32 PM, Sergi Pons Freixes wrote:
2015-09-21 16:13 GMT-07:00 Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com <mailto:mike...@zzzcomputing.com>>:

    Are you sure you don't have any in-application event handlers or
    similar manipulating search_path?   Can you put this in your
    env.py and tell me what it says?

        with connectable.connect() as connection:

            row = connection.execute("show search_path").fetchone()
            print row

    Alternatively, can you please remove the "version_table_schema"
    directive and test?  If your search_path is "public", it should
    not be needed.

I attach the new env.py, based on yours (issue persists). Output of it is:

$ alembic -c development.ini revision -m "upgrade" --autogenerate
XXX/notifications/scripts/alembic/versions/519677dff97_upgrade.py ... done
Can you run the above with logging enabled? That is the [alembic] logger turned on as in the default alembic.ini.

Also, can you please run this script with your database URL and send me the full output, with any sensitive information omitted:

from sqlalchemy import inspect, create_engine

e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test")

inspector = inspect(e)

print "default schema:", inspector.bind.dialect.default_schema_name
print "schema names:", inspector.get_schema_names()
print "dflt table names:", inspector.get_table_names()
print "notifications table names:", inspector.get_table_names('notifications')

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