Hi Mike,

I bumped up to SA to v0.9.10 and alembic completed successfully adding a 
revision. IOW, I didn't have to "fudge" with neither the deadcbed_.py nor 
with the .sql (offline).

However, when running either migration (online/offline), I received the 
same error as before.

sqlalchemy.exc.InternalError: (InternalError) cannot drop table 
groups_history because other objects depend on it
DETAIL: constraint folders_history_id_fkey on table folders_history depends 
on table groups_history
constraint projects_history_id_fkey on table projects_history depends on 
table groups_history
constraint userprofiles_history_id_fkey on table userprofiles_history 
depends on table groups_history
HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.

(Even with SA 1.2.11, the migration file was nearly identical - there were 
couple of differences dealing with JSONB(astext_type=sa.Text()) and an 
autoincrement in a sequence)

I suspect is something specific to our older model.

I will try to craft a simple case that demonstrates the issue and post back.


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