
On 10/06/2010 08:17, Carl Brewer wrote:
I'm developing my first desktop application with python and a database (to track cycling track sprinters, if anyone's interested, using sqlite at the moment, but anything lightweight is fine) - and have been poking around various IDE's and database layers that work with Python, SQLAlchemy seems to be the neatest way to tie a class to a database without having to manually do all the database 'stuff' by using the ORM. If only this stuff existed back when I was at Uni and trying to work out how to save a C structure, wow .. but anyway .. !

I've found Pythoncard as an IDE and toolkit, but it seems a bit inactive, I'm developing on Windows XP 32 bit and am wondering what sort of IDE works well with SQLAlchemy and wxPython? Should I just use the pythoncard editor (which works well enough as an editor but the whole setup of GUIs in template files is something I'm unsure about) or is there a better alternative? I'm using wxGlade to mockup my interfaces and then copying the bits it generates into my program, but am wondering if there's any SQLAlchemy-aware IDE's that might speed up making forms and so on, rather than coding them all by hand?
That would be nice but I am not aware of one.

Personally I use Boa to develop, it has a GUI designer built in you can use to generate the dialogs/frames etc and I then use validators to load data to/from the controls.

Dabo ( might also be an alternative you want to look at, also it has is own db access stuff - I asked in the past if they don't want to switch to SA but there doesn't seem to be any interest in doing this.


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