I have written a couple queries in SQL, and I request assistance
in translating them into SQL Alchemy.

The first query concerns the mail filtering algorithm for a mail user
agent. I want to run something like this SQL.

    select mailfiling.manual_folder_id
    from mail
    natural join mailfiling
    join emailaddress on emailaddress.id = mail.sender_id
    where emailaddress.id in (7, 12)
    group by emailaddress.id, mailfiling.manual_folder_id
    order by count(*) desc limit 1;

Here are the relevant SQLAlchemy models.

I would probably use it as hybrid_property or a column_property
in the Mail class, returning the folder associated with a particular

The second query concerns the search index for the same mail user agent.
How do I assign the result of SQL functions? This SQL does what I want.

  create table test (t tsvector);
  insert into test (t) values (
    setweight(to_tsvector('english', 'Thomas Levine'), 'A') ||
    setweight(to_tsvector('english', 'blah blah'), 'B')

I would use it in the initialization of the Mail model from the same
file as above.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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