> On Feb 21, 2020, at 4:20 AM, Wout Mertens <wout.mert...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In JavaScript, objects are key-value collections with unique keys, where the 
> order of the keys is important.

JSON is not JavaScript. The order of keys is NOT significant in JSON, and many, 
many JSON implementations parse JSON objects into data structures* that do not 
preserve key order. Clients using such implementations cannot determine the 
original order of keys, nor can they re-serialize the object with the same 

I have run into multiple issues over time with systems that assume JSON key 
ordering is significant and preserved (CouchDB and Scuttlebutt come to mind), 
which then later have to redesign protocols or data schema because of 
interoperability problems this causes.


* The platform's standard "dictionary" / "map" class is typically implemented 
as a hash table or binary tree, as in Java, .NET, Objective-C, Swift, Go, Lua, 
C++. (I'm unsure about Python and Ruby.) A few platforms besides JS keep an 
auxiliary key array to preserve ordering. Erlang uses a linked-list, which is 
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