Hi -

I wanted to answer some of the survey questions about concurrency in SQLite.

Finer-grained locking would not help our particular application. We have a
multi-threaded application where there are many reader threads and a single
writer thread. It's not a big deal for us if the readers read uncommitted
data. A pragma to allow 'dirty' reads in a read-only connection would really
help concurrency in our case.

My favorite features of SQLite are the small size, code portability, small
memory footprint, and that it is easily embedded. (Plus the source code is
some of the best I've ever seen from a commenting and clarity standpoint.)
With some minor tuning of the DB parameters, our schema and queries, we've
been able to make it fast enough for our needs, so I'd be sad to see changes
in database locking make it harder to embed the database or make it less

As for the questions:

> * What SQL are you running that takes more than a fraction of a second to

We have a number of queries that take a few seconds to run. They tend to
involve tables with 100,000 or more rows, where the query criteria matches
about 1000 of them, sorts and returns, say, the most recent 50 of those 1000
rows, via an SQL LIMIT clause.

As a non-sequiter, we experimented with a number of btree page sizes and we
found 4k to be the fastest for our particular application. It seems that
modern OS's can read 4k in about the same amount of time that they can read
1k from disk. 

> * Are you holding transactions open for an extended period of time?  Why?

We do hold transactions open for an extended period of time - our
application acquires data from disparate sources, many of them over the net
and stores metadata in the database. To make inserting a large number of
rows faster, we wrap them in a transaction. We haven't experimented yet with
committing periodically to make the application more live while it is
gathering data.

> * How many processes do you have trying to access the database at once?

One process with multiple threads. We have one writer thread and any number
of reader threads.

> * How do you currently handle SQLITE_BUSY replies?  Do you use the 
>   sqlite_busy_handler() or sqlite_busy_timeout() APIs?

We use the sqlite_busy_handler() APIs.

> * How large are your databases?

In the hundreds of megabytes.

> * Do you ever put database files on a shared filesystem?


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