"D. Richard Hipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Brass Tilde wrote:
>> My understanding is that SQLite has had this auto-update feature
>> since
>> version 2.6.0.  If I understand correctly, you should only have a problem if
>> you are *now* using a version prior to that, and go from that version
>> directly to 2.8.12 or later.  If you've kept your version of the db engine
>> current, or at least have upgraded to 2.6.0 or later, then all of your
>> databases should now have their indices updated by now.
>> Have I misinterpreted something?
> Your interpretation is correct.  Dropping the auto-update feature
> would only impact people who jump directly from version 2.5.6 or
> earlier to version 2.8.13 or later, ignoring 19 months of changes
> and improvements in between.
Well, this might become a problem for Debian upgrades anyway: Woody
has 2.4.7, while Sarge will release with at least 2.8.9. Since SQLite
DB files are not stored in a central, known place, automatic upgrades
(like e.g. the Debian PostgreSQL package does) can not be attempted by
the Debian SQLite package that will ship with Sarge.

Regards, Andy
Andreas Rottmann         | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL 
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