I agree that minimising the SQL syntax that SQLite doesn't support would be
a good addition to the new release.


-----Original Message-----
From: J.W. Janssen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 2:03 PM
Subject: [sqlite] Variable sub-queries?


The documentation on SQLite states that variable subqueries aren't
supported. I whether SQLite will support this in the (near) future, and if
not, why not.


  Jan Willem

  | J.W. Janssen,  Groesbeekseweg 191             ,  (o<
  | 6523 NS Nijmegen, The Netherlands             |  /\
  | mail:  j dot w dot janssen at lxtreme dot nl  | v_/_
  | http:  www.lxtreme.nl                         '
  ` --

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