On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, Stefan Neumann wrote:

>I think sqlite could be ideal for this purpose. Does anybody know
>of any intentions to make something like an XPCOM-wrapper for
>sqlite? Could this mean a lot of work and is there any project that
>could serve as a starting-point?

My company did just this. We're using SQLite to manage installation
information, and use Mozilla as a frontend. We wrote an XPCOM component
against SQLite 2.8.x to provide access to the data in a uniform way across
C++ and Javascript.

I can see if we're willing to release the code. No promises, mind. And I'm
not even sure what we wrote would be a good template, as it provides just
the limited functionality we required in house.

If not, then it's not difficult to go from an interface definition to
working code. There are plenty of XPCOM component examples about. The
amount of work depends on what interface you provide, a simple wrapper
around the C calls, or a more abstract interface.

Either way, I'd be happy to contribute to such a project.



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