On Fri, 2005-03-11 at 10:20 -0800, Keith Herold wrote:
> Is there a difference between COMMIT and END TRANSACTION ?
> I have a batch process that commits sets of 25 pre-built sql scripts
> on a timed basis.  I have been wrapping the execution of all 25 sets
> in a single begin...end transaction set.  The problem is that if any
> of those scripts fails to execute properly, than all 25 scripts are
> rolled back.  It would be nice to get a bit better granuality, with
> partial commits or something.
> Enter COMMIT.  Does it allow you to commit portions of the sql
> scripts?  I.e., could I start a BEGIN TRANSACTION;  then at the end of
> each script execute a COMMIT to successfully commit that portion, and
> then proceed to the end, and END TRANSACTION.  That way, if somewhere
> down the line, I lose the 15th file, at least the first 14 are in the
> database.

COMMIT and END are the same thing.  To do what you are trying to do
above, you should COMMIT then immediately do another BEGIN.
D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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