On 19/11/16 08:08, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> System with problems: Running Xubuntu Linux 16.04.1, Python 3.5.2.
> System without this problem: Running Ubuntu Linux 14.04.5, Python 3.4.3.

You are good on Python versions then.  My remaining recommendation is to
make the process that does SQLite be a child process (ie no making its
own children).  That will eliminate an entire class of potential
problems, although it appears unlikely you are experiencing any of them.

The final option is to run the process under valgrind.  That will
definitively show the cause.  Do note however that you may want to
change some of the default options since you have nice big systems.  For
example I like to set --freelist-vol and related to very big numbers
(several gigabytes) which ensures that freed memory is not reused for a
long time.  You could also set the valgrind option so that only one
thread is allowed - it will catch inadvertent threading you may note be
aware of.


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