On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 11:42:23 -0500, "James K. Lowden"
<jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:

> I have always thought af a foreign key as an existence test.  Looking
> around, I see that other implementations also often require the
> referent to be unique.  I'm not convinced that's justified
> theoretically, but at the moment I can't check against my usual
> resources.  

Here you go:

Information Technology - Database Language SQL
(Proposed revised text of DIS 9075)
(Second Informal Review Draft) ISO/IEC 9075:1992, 
Database Language SQL- July 30, 1992
which is pretty close to the final text.

X3H2-92-154/DBL CBR-002  (page 274 or thereabout)

11.8  <referential constraint definition>


Specify a referential constraint.


<referential constraint definition> ::=
     FOREIGN KEY <left paren> <referencing columns> <right paren>
       <references specification>

<references specification> ::=
     REFERENCES <referenced table and columns>
       [ MATCH <match type> ]
       [ <referential triggered action> ]

<match type> ::=
     | PARTIAL

<referencing columns> ::=
     <reference column list>

<referenced table and columns> ::=
     <table name> [ <left paren> <reference column list> <right paren> ]

<reference column list> ::= <column name list>

<referential triggered action> ::=
       <update rule> [ <delete rule> ]
     | <delete rule> [ <update rule> ]

<update rule> ::= ON UPDATE <referential action>

<delete rule> ::= ON DELETE <referential action>

<referential action> ::=
     | SET NULL
     | NO ACTION

Syntax Rules

1) Let referencing table be the table identified by the containing
   <table definition> or <alter table statement>. Let referenced
   table be the table identified by the <table name> in the <refer-
   enced table and columns>. Let referencing columns be the column
   or columns identified by the <reference column list> in the
   <referencing columns> and let referencing column be one such

2) Case:

   a) If the <referenced table and columns> specifies a <reference
     column list>, then the set of column names of that <refer-
     ence column list> shall be equal to the set of column names
     in the unique columns of a unique constraint of the refer-
     enced table. Let referenced columns be the column or columns
     identified by that <reference column list> and let refer-
     enced column be one such column. Each referenced column shall
     identify a column of the referenced table and the same column
     shall not be identified more than once.

   b) If the <referenced table and columns> does not specify a
     <reference column list>, then the table descriptor of the
     referenced table shall include a unique constraint that spec-
     ifies PRIMARY KEY. Let referenced columns be the column or
     columns identified by the unique columns in that unique con-
     straint and let referenced column be one such column. The
     <referenced table and columns> shall be considered to implic-
     itly specify a <reference column list> that is identical to
     that <unique column list>.

3) The table constraint descriptor describing the <unique con-
   straint definition> whose <unique column list> identifies the
   referenced columns shall indicate that the unique constraint is
   not deferrable.


Kees Nuyt

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