27 mrt 2017, petern:
In general I've been thinking about materializing data dependent temporary tables and even using them in CTE's. The tremendous expressive economy of TCL and somewhat built-in support within SQLite got me thinking. Consider the problem of pivot table function for creating temp.crosstab_* summary

I left out the example command line script from you reply. This clarifies your somewahat abstract requirement. Now I also see why earlier on you wished eval() to return query result. But, as eval() does ddl too I just make it define a temp view. That can be selected from afterwards. See below. Thanks for the TCL example that helps me learn. Best regards, E. Pasma, sponsor of https://facebook.com/RadioParadijs

SQLite 3.18.0 2017-03-06 20:44:13 ec529bf11b16c801ea438e57d208ff7e4cedf1f9
select load_extension('eval');

drop table if exists sales;
create table sales(year integer,fruit text,tons integer);
insert into sales
values(2017,'mangos',3),(2016,'peaches',2),(2017,'apples',7), (2017,'peaches',6),(2016,'mangos',12);
--select * from sales;
select ddl,  eval(ddl)
from    (
    select  'create temp view vttt as select year, '
            ||  group_concat('sum(case when fruit='''
            ||  fruit
            ||  ''' then tons end) as '
            ||  fruit)
            ||  ' from sales group by year'
            as ddl
    from    ( select fruit from sales group by fruit)
create temp view vttt as select year, sum(case when fruit='apples' then tons end) as apples,sum(case when fruit='mangos' then tons end) as mangos,sum(case when fruit='peaches' then tons end) as peaches from sales group by year|
.header on
select * from vttt;

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