On 2017/04/12 2:13 PM, Ron Barnes wrote:
Hi Jim,

I ran an overnight job and converted 300+ million dates to the ISO 8601 format.

Here are examples of the new dates.

        2017/04/10 07:24:15 PM
        2017/03/07 08:08:58 AM
        2016/11/06 12:35:15 PM

Since this should be easier how would you go about determining the Day(s) 
Difference from the current date?

This is much friendlier. Do you care about the time? If not the conversion is VERY easy:

SELECT replace(substr(VI_Creation_Date, 1, 10), '/','-')||' 12:00:00' AS ISO_Date, julianday('Now') - julianday(replace(substr(VI_Creation_Date, 1, 10), '/','-')||' 12:00:00') AS DaysSince
  FROM Volume_Information

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