> Le 8 mai 2017 à 23:11, petern <peter.nichvolo...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Gwendal.  I understand all that.  It's also good that you've confirmed how
> SQLITE_READ is actually queried by the authorizer callback interface.  I
> was wondering about that.  Reading your earlier post, one might get the
> impression that the SQLITE_READ authorizer action was not queried by the
> engine for aggregate table reads for some reason.  Presumably that would be
> a bug.
> My question about your solution is illustrated by looking at the existing
> defines for orthogonal operations.  Consider how SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE
> are currently defined as below.
> #define SQLITE_INSERT               18   /* Table Name      NULL
> */
> #define SQLITE_SELECT               21   /* NULL            NULL
> */
> #define SQLITE_UPDATE               23   /* Table Name      Column Name
> */
> If this interface is logically missing SQLITE_READ_TABLE then shouldn't all
> the orthogonal authorizer action codes in that same dimension also be
> implemented?  Thus, why not also add authorizer action codes for
> SQLITE_READ_TABLE?   If SQLITE_READ_TABLE is missing why aren't the others
> also missing?

Because they are not missing: existing authorizer callbacks already provide a 
detailed information for all possible updates. We just miss information about 
selected tables.

> Why is this forum so silent on this question?  Usually there are half a
> dozen responses on the "correct way" to do it.  This time, crickets.

I did propose a patch as a way to show that my proposal doesn't come from thin 
air, but can be implemented.

Yes, I wish the core team would give at least an acknowledgement that something 
could be improved.

Gwendal Roué

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