> Le 9 mai 2017 à 08:23, Gwendal Roué <gwendal.r...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> As a reminder, I intend to use the authorisation system in order to tell if a 
> statement has an opportunity to impact on another statement, as a support for 
> a general database observation feature.
> Here is the general process:
> 1. During the compilation of a statement S1, authorizer callbacks tell which 
> tables and columns are read by the statement.
> 2. During the compilation of any other statement S2, authorizer callbacks 
> tell which tables and columns are written by the statement.
> 3. If the two sets of tables and columns do not intersect, then S2 can not 
> change the results of S1: exit.
> 4. Until callbacks registered by sqlite3_commit_hook or sqlite3_rollback_hook 
> [2] are invoked, authoriser callbacks allows the app to follow the savepoint 
> stack. This is important for the next step:
> 5. During the execution of S2, sqlite3_update_hook [1] tell if S2 actually 
> performs any change. Those changes are remembered until the transaction 
> commits [2], or the eventual current savepoint is rollbacked (see step 4 
> above).
> 6. After the transaction has been committed, if S2 has performed changes, 
> then S1 is reputed "dirty", and the application is notified that S1 results 
> may have changed.

Let me please rewrite the above process, to make it more clear.

Goal: notify that the last commit may have changed the results of statement S1, 
without any false negative, and a number of false positives that is as low as 

Let's use `SELECT col1 FROM t1` as S1.

# LEVEL 1: notify after each commit with sqlite3_commit_hook.

Need for improvement: there are many many false positives. Even an empty 
transaction `BEGIN; COMMIT;` triggers a notification.

# LEVEL 2: notify only for statements that write in the columns and tables read 
by S1 (thanks to the authorizer callbacks)

Good: `INSERT INTO t2 ...` and `UPDATE t1 SET col2 = 'foo'` no longer trigger a 
change notification, because authorizer callbacks prove that they have no 
impact of S1.

Need for improvement 1: if S1 uses the COUNT function, then all statements may 
have an impact on it, and we're back to level 1 above (read my previous emails 
about his trouble that SQLITE_READ_TABLE aims at solving)

Need for improvement 2: a statement that may modify S1 may not modify the 
database: for example `DELETE FROM t1 WHERE 0` won't delete a single line, but 
the change notification will be triggered anyway.

# LEVEL 3: notify only for statements that perform database modifications 
(thanks to the database change callbacks)

Good: `DELETE FROM t1 WHERE 0` no longer triggers a change notification, 
because it did not update, delete, or insert a single row.

Need for improvement: a database change callback may be invalidated by a 
rollbacked savepoint.

# LEVEL 4: filter out database changes that are rollbacked by a savepoint 
(thanks to the authorizer callbacks that allow the sqlite3 client to track the 
savepoint stack)

Good: `INSERT INTO t1 ...` no longer triggers a change notification if it is 

# LEVEL 5: there is no level 5, I think we've gone as far as SQLite can do, and 
this is already quite tremendous.

Again, the problem is with the COUNT function. By I should stop repeating 
myself :-)

Thanks for reading,
Gwendal Roué

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