On 2017-06-09 00:13, Wout Mertens wrote:
> Isn't it all just obfuscation? Any root user can read your key, if not from
> disk then from memory. Any normal user can't read your key, nor from disk,
> nor from memory; and they can't read your db file either.
> So if the adversary is someone with access to your disk image, disk
> encryption trumps db encryption (unless the disk encryption is vulnerable
> to known-plaintext attacks, but I guess they probably apply to sqlite too).
> If the adversary is another process on the same host, encrypting the db
> just adds obfuscation, which is security against lazy hackers.

When the discussion about DRM and Trusted Computing was more active,
this was widely discussed. Cory Doctorow gave a talk about DRM at
Microsoft that illustrates this misuse of cryptography [1]. Mark Stefik
described a scary vision of DRM over two decades ago [2]. Richard
Stallman has said and written a lot about DRM as well. So perhaps we
should not start another debate on this mailing list and read what has
already been written and said about it at great length.

My personal conclusion from the discussion about DRM and Trusted
Computing is that DRM will never work unless we don't own our computers
but someone else who controls a cryptographic chip in them does.
Unfortunately, this is reality for devices with iOS and other similar

SEE only protects the database if an attacker only has access the
storage medium of the database but not the encryption key. Not more and
not less. You can of course argue about how difficult it is to obtain
the encryption key but has nothing to do with SEE. It depends only
concrete use cases, scenarios and threat models but not SEE. So can we
have the discussion about this on another mailing list?

[1] http://craphound.com/msftdrm.txt
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