> On Jun 9, 2017, at 3:05 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> Tangential to SQLite, but there’s little on the list at the moment so perhaps 
> some of you might like this.
> <https://tomharrisonjr.com/uuid-or-guid-as-primary-keys-be-careful-7b2aa3dcb439
> <https://tomharrisonjr.com/uuid-or-guid-as-primary-keys-be-careful-7b2aa3dcb439>>

He makes some questionable points, like saying that an ASCII string of hex has 
a “9x cost in size” compared to a binary representation, or that hex strings 
would somehow get larger when converted from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.

> Several of his points don’t apply to SQLite, which works differently from 
> most SQL engines, but it’s interesting reading nevertheless.

Most of what he says is extremely RDBMS-centric, even though he never says so. 
I have the feeling he’s never used a NoSQL database. To me the whole thing 
comes off as pretty parochial — I have to laugh at his assertion that UUIDs 
aren’t scalable, since in systems like Couchbase Server*, which handles 
ridiculously huge data sets, it’s extremely common to use them as keys. 

From a highly-scalable perspective, having a single global counter in the 
database to assign consecutive integer keys is a horrifying bottleneck!

> (I find it ironic that the URLs for his posts are composed of two elements: 
> an assigned piece of content and an arbitrary long number coded as 
> hexadecimal.)

Blame that on Medium, which is hosting his blog posts :)


* Disclaimer: I work for Couchbase (but on mobile software, not on servers.)
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