On 17 Jun 2017, at 14:25, Igor Tandetnik wrote:

> By the same token, I don't believe such a query exists.

Hi, I think such a query exists, here we go:

Columns are: col_id, value, rec_id

col-1   1       1
col-1   2       2
col-1   3       3
col-1   4       4
col-1   5       5
col-1   6       6
col-1   7       7
col-1   8       8
col-1   9       9
col-2   1       1
col-2   2       2
col-2   3       3
col-2   4       4
col-2   5       5
col-3   1       1
col-4   1       1
col-5   1       1
col-6   1       1
col-7   1       1
col-8   1       1
col-9   1       1

Which is a classical entity-attribute-value (EAV) model, taking normalization 
to the extreme and no longer uses columns in the traditional way. Instead, 
every single value is stored in its own row. Besides the value, the row also 
has a column to specify which attribute the value represents and a third column 
to identify what entity the values belongs to. Ultimately, a three column table 
can hold any data without ever needing to change the table definition.

To get a traditional VIEW on this, we want to transpose the data, or create a 
pivot of it. Here is a pretty simple structure of such a VIEW for the first 
three columns:

select rec_id
, max(case when col_id = "col-1" then value end) col1
, max(case when col_id = "col-2" then value end) col2
, max(case when col_id = "col-3" then value end) col3
from products
group by rec_id

With columns: rec_id, col1, col2, col3

1       1       1       1
2       2       2       
3       3       3       
4       4       4       
5       5       5       
6       6               
7       7               
8       8               
9       9               

That's what I need to avoid schema changes on tables with dynamic attributes 
and make it compatible with the session extension.


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