On 9/30/05, Ralf Junker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quite right, but even with explicit typing there are cases where SQLite3
> can not be instructed to store REAL numbers as REALs:
> C:\>sqlite3 num.db3
> SQLite version 3.2.1
> Enter ".help" for instructions
> sqlite> INSERT INTO i VALUES (5, 2);
> sqlite> SELECT a / b FROM i;
> 2
> sqlite> INSERT INTO i VALUES (5.0, 2.0);
> sqlite> SELECT a / b FROM i;
> 2
> 2
> Even though the 2nd insert explicitly types 5.0 and 2.0 as REALs, they are
> stored as INTEGERs internally and resuls in incorrect calculations (the very
> last number should be 2.5 and not 2).

In that case it did what it was instructed to do. The type was integer
so it converted.

Summming up: Observations show that SQLite3 behaves inconsistent when
> storing and/or calculating numbers as INTEGERs or REALs. The point I am
> personally worried about is not so much the storage side of things but the
> calculation errors resulting from it.

Since it behaves in predictable ways I don't believe inconsistency is
a big problem. Inconsistency is the only constant I've found in life!
It's only inconsistent on one operation, storing integers in a real
type. If you code with a rule of thumb to always insert
with something like "insert into t values( round(x) );" then you
will have no problems.

I would like to propose the resolve this inconsistency as follows:
That would make sqlite math inconsistent with math as performed
by computer languages. I don't see that as an improvement.

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