On Dec 21, 2017, at 11:37 AM, Michael Tiernan <michael.tier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to build two copes of sqlite3 in a shared dropbox folder.

Do you intend to use SQLite inside the Dropbox folder once you’ve got it 
working?  That’s only safe if only one person is using the database at a time, 
and you wait for the sync to finish before trying to use the DB on another 

If you need a networked DBMS, SQLite is generally not what you want, at least 
not as-stock.  There are add-ons and alternatives that work far better for 
this.  Google “SQLite Dropbox”.  It’s come up many times before.

> On a "Scientific Linux 6.7" (RHEL 6.7) system I did a built then build
> install *as a user* and not as root. Looking to create a localized copy
> specifically.

Try this:

    $ ./configure --prefix="$HOME/sqlite3"

That will allow the “make install” to work without root privileges.  The 
sqlite3 binary would land in $HOME/sqlite3/bin, with that configuration option.

You can set the prefix to somewhere under your Dropbox folder if you’re willing 
to take the risks to data safety that that entails.
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