>Thanks for acknowledging this, you are absolutely right, that's why I
>that no DB does perfect optimisations and that computing the
>-OR- based closures are probably much harder to tackle. Also E. Pasma
>pointed out the -OR- queries as I wrote them are not really
>equivalent unless the 2 joins are disjunct.

I suspect that query re-write of an outer join to an inner join would be 
violating some rule in the new SQL standards, most likely about visitation 
(nested loop) order -- which is freely reorderable for INNER JOINS but cannot 
be re-ordered for OUTER JOINS.  Back in the "olden days" one specified outer 
join conditions in the WHERE clause using *= =* or *=* syntax, where the * was 
on the side of the operator where all rows came from.  This was deprecated many 
years ago when the <type> JOIN ON <conditions> syntatactic sugar was created 
because too many people where forgetting that they need to use the appropriate 
*<operator> to "bind" the where condition to the appropriate outer join 
binding, then complaining that it was too difficult to remember or figure out 
where a plain "WHERE" clause was needed and where a "OUTER JOIN" bound 
condition was required, resulting in many calls to SQL Database support lines.  
And these same vendors also happen to be who write the specs, so they promptly 
changed the spec to eliminate the support calls.

So the *<operator>* format was written out of the standard and the OUTER JOIN 
ON became mandatory ONLY FOR OUTER JOIN operations.  In all other cases the 
JOIN ON syntax was just syntactic sugar for the old "list of tables" and where 
clause.  Don't recall exactly when this occurred but it was about two decades 
ago.  ( I remember it well because there were many queries that could not be 
expressed in the new-fangled format )

So really, adding conditions to apply to an OUTER JOIN to the where clause is 
equivalent to the common error of yester-decades of forgetting the *.


select *
  from a, b
 where a.a *= b.a

was replaced by

select *
  from a LEFT JOIN b ON a.a = b.a

Of course, the old syntax allowed one to specify algebraic conditions that can 
no longer be expressed with the new syntax.  But that is OK, it is easier and 
simpler to say:  go RTFM, it is jolly clear, and if you don't like it then 
boo-hoo on you.  A good implementation was destroyed.  Live with it, love it, 
and get over it.

I would sincerely doubt that there is *any* SQL optimizer or query planner that 
can optimize mis-spoken queries containing OUTER JOINS.  Not even DB2's 
exhaustive search query planner/optimizer can do it, and it is quite possibly 
now one of the best in existence if you tell it that it can take unlimited time 
and resources to generate (and run) the plan.  All others pale in comparison.

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