Hi, apologies if this is a trivial question, but I'm a newbie to
sqlite3. (very impressed so far)

I want to search two tables which should contain the same records and
add any that are missing from the second into the first.

So I do

SELECT * FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 on table1.field=table2.field
WHERE table2.field is NULL

So far, so good, I get the records I want. Then in the callback, I try

INSERT INTO table1 etc...

This fails with a "database table is locked" error.

I'm assuming that this is because I'm still in the middle of doing the
SELECT statement.

So my question is this, do I have to use the callback to copy the
records into a temp table, and then only add them after the
sqlite3_exec() which calls the SELECT has returned? or is there a more
elegant/obvious solution?

Any pointers most welcome

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