
The hardware is different, at the time we didn't want to spin up a complete production replica as thats quite expensive. We used a smaller machine, both have the same type of back end spining raid array, but we would think that writing 4-5MB of changed data back shouldn't take 7 seconds. We had seen far better performance on the slower machine earlier in testing.

We will go back to step one and work our way through step by step from 60GB to 600Mb as our thinking is that we have somehow screwed our database up.


On 30 Jul 2018, at 13:29, Warren Young wrote:

On Jul 30, 2018, at 5:53 AM, Rob Willett <rob.sql...@robertwillett.com> wrote:

I would wonder why writing the data to a 60GB database and doing a commit is fast and writing exactly the same data to the 600MB database is different. The programs for doing it are the same, the database schema is identical.

I assume the hardware is different.  Is that not the case?

If the small DB is on a machine with a spinning disk but the large DB is on a machine with either an SSD or a many-spindled RAID, there’s your key difference.
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