2018-09-02 17:31 GMT+02:00 Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org>:

> On 2 Sep 2018, at 2:43pm, Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > When I do in sqlitebrowser:
> >    PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(messages)
> Just for peace of mind, since you are reporting unexpected behaviour,
> please run an integrity_check.

As expected that gave OK. The problem was that sqlitebrowser thought
something had changed while it had not.

> Certain cleaning-up jobs are done only when the last connection to the
> database is closed.  So if one program is holding the database open you may
> find that these tasks are not completed.

As I understood it, it should be done when the last writer has closed. But
maybe the fact that sqlitebrowser can write automatically makes it a writer.

> Do you often leave sqlitebrowser running when you're not doing anything
> with it ?  Perhaps just as a background or minimised window on your screen ?

Yes, I find it very handy when I want to check upon something to have it
open. Maybe I should rethink that. But just using:

solves the problem that is created by having it open. So I think it is not
a problem (anymore).

And probably I am going to use integrity_check and foreign_key_check also.
Better to careful as not careful enough. ;-)

Cecil Westerhof
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