> I have a script that loads csv into an existing table.
> I get this message on stderr for each row imported:
> "... expected 7 columns but found 6 - filling the rest with NULL"
> We have the means to send stdout to /dev/null using the .once or .output
> Is there a way to send suppress stderr messages for a dot command?

The example below works without warnings (though this diverts from exact 

create table t (a,b,c,d,e,f)
/* Procedure to insert a line of input */
create view procinput(a,b,c) as values(null,null,null)
create trigger ins_procinput instead of insert on procinput
  insert into t(a,b,c) values(new.a,new.b,new.c); 

.import input.dat procinput

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