On 12/1/18, Larry Brasfield <brasfield.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The documentation at https://www.sqlite.org/geopoly.html , at 3.8. for
> geopoly_contains_point(), asserts that the function “returns true if and
> only if the coordinate X,Y is inside or on the boundary of the polygon P.”
> As now implemented, in the v3.26 release, it returns 1 where the point is on
> a boundary and 2 where the point is inside of the boundary.

The geopoly_overlap() and geopoly_within() routines are similarly
modest about what they compute.  Geopoly_within(A,B) returns +1 if B
is completely contained inside of A, and returns +2 if A and B are the
same polygon.  Geopoly_overlap(A,B) returns 4 different non-zero
values (1, 2, 3, and 4) depending on whether or not A is contained in
B (2), B is contained in A (3), A and B are the same polygon (4), or
if they just overlap (1).

I haven't documented those behaviors, because I wanted to leave myself
some wiggle room in case I need to change the behavior in the future.
D. Richard Hipp
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