On 27 Mar 2019, at 11:48am, Thomas Kurz <sqlite.2...@t-net.ruhr> wrote:

> Imho quite simple: There are operations that take a long time. I observe this 
> behavior especially with DELETE in combination with ON CASCADE DELETE. Can 
> take half an hour, and meanwhile the database remains locked.

A timing that long suggests that there is no index which allows fast 
identification of the keyed rows.  Or that the index is damaged.  Have you 
checked ?

I wonder whether SQLite is treating each DELETE as a single transaction.  Could 
you try wrapping the main delete in BEGIN ... END and see whether that speeds 
up the cascaded DELETE ?  Would you be able to find timings (either in your 
code or in the command-line tool) and tell us whether it's the DELETE or the 
END which takes the time ?

Locking by rows is a slow operation.  You first have to lock the entire 
database, then lock the row, then release the database.  And each of those 
locks is a test-and-lock operation.  Also, because of the way indexes work, 
locking a row often locks that row's neighbours too in each index.  Code which 
just locks the entire database is simpler and faster.

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